Simplify To Amplify

Looking to influence in a presentation or other high-profile business message?

Simplify to amplify.
That doesn’t mean dumbing down your messages. It’s quite the contrary— influential messages begin with strategic reverse-engineering.

Here’s how to do that: Identify the specific action you want to influence. Pinpoint the values that drive your audience’s decision. Then connect the dots between the two—and that’s where to begin a game-changing message.

It’s the complex business of simplicity. Because if you confuse, you lose.

P.S: It must be a genuine connection or else you’re manipulating. Please don’t do that!

#influence #leadership #business #executivecoach #keynotespeaker #communicationskills

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About Connie

Globally recognized as the leading voice in leadership influence, Connie Dieken helps C-suite and senior executives use scientific insights to elevate their influence and presence.


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